Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The example of calling server-side API functions

Here is the simple example of calling server-side API functions that are written in JavaScript. The back-end team used Sequelize ORM package on Node.js. Also, we've created the client-side API that used Axios package to call server-side functions (from controllers).

1) Here is the screen shot of list component, which content we got by calling server-side API:

2) The code snippets:

- The part of code from client API (lines 12 and 24):

- The part of code from .vue list component (lines 4 and 18):

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Using Dynamical components in Vue.js

What is Dynamic component?

The Dynamic components (<component :is="...".../>) in Vue.js enable users to switch between two or more components without routing, and even retain the state of data when switching back to the initial component (<keep-alive>). The central idea is to let users dynamically mount and unmount components in the user interface without using routers.

Bellow is an example of using dynamical components in our project.

As you can see on the screen shot below (click on it to make it larger), there is a stack of collapsible components on the left side. We use dynamical component feature to load them (code line 85).

The code of main container component:

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Personal technological (r)evolution - I've moved to Front-End

For years, I mainly worked as Full-stack Developer using Microsoft technologies (.NET, C#), but some time ago I've made personal technological (r)evolution that is I've made decision to move to Front-End. At the beginning I've experimented with TypeScript because it was to some extent like C# (the same person created C# and TypeScript - Anders Hejlsberg). I mean on strong typing, interfaces and things like that. Of course I known the TypeScript is only wrapper around standard JavaScript, but I was intrigued to keep further researching in the direction of Front-End development. Actually, I had some limited experience with AngularJS, but after some time I've discovered the whole new bright world where existed ES6, React, Redux, Webpack and many, many more other nice products.

My first choice about using some of modern Front-End frameworks was React and state management package Redux. I've also taken a look at Angular, but at the end I've moved to Vue.js. In short, I've chosen Vue.js because it looked like tool that picked up the best from Angular and React. Of course, it's personal feeling, but Vue.js with Vuex like state management package that naturally goes with Vue.js is easy to learn and logical to use.

In the incoming posts I'm going to represent some parts of code I've written and appropriate screen shots from the Geo-spatial project that I'm working on as a team member. It means this blog will be some kind of my professional portfolio.

For the end of this short introduction I recommend you to take a look at the video where Chris Fritz (Vue.js core team member) talks about the closest future of the framework.